- Preserve spiritual norms and values of Hindu Vedic Tradition, the eternal principle of righteousness.
- Preserve and promote community-based Hindu and Buddhist religious and cultural thoughts and values, and conduct activities to pursue people’s faith and devotion towards spirituality.

The coverage area of PNCCC:
- Ontario, Canada

Appeal to public:
To take Special/ Chief Patronship, Patronship
To take General membership and life membership
To donate as per their capacity to establish the temple
To let the PNCCC share their joyful moments such as Birthdays, Naming Ceremonies, Weaning ceremonies, Secret thread ceremonies (Bratabandha), Marriage ceremonies, Anniversaries, etc. through the PNCCC Facebook page.
To let PNCCC share condolences messages on someone’s death, etc. through its official Facebook page.

Celebration of Religion

Enhancement of Events