श्री पशुपतिनाथ तथा बुद्ध मन्दिर, स्कारबोरो, टोरोन्टो

(Reg. Under Pashupatinath Nepali Canadian Culture Centre) (PNCCC), 2004

(Charitable Organization)

"आप्रवासी नेपाली भाषीहरुको धार्मिक संस्था"

Not for Profit Community based Religious Organisation

Present Development of the PNCCC:

  • Shiva Linga (Statue of Lord Shiva) weighted approx. 8 quintals and 4 feet in height is completed and is in the process to the courier from Nepal
  • The roof of the temple, copper materials, Gajur, Bell (ghanta), and other materials are ready in Nepal and in process to the courier
  • The Statue of Shakya Muni Buddha of 3 feet in height is ready in Nepal.
  • Statues of Lord Ganesh, Saraswati, Laxmi, and Durga will be managed from the local market.
  • Correspondence to the government is regular to establish the PNCCC as a Charity Organization.

    The priority of the PNCCC:

    • As the COVID-19 Pandemic emergencies are over in Nepal, the completed statues and materials will be sent with a courier and will take approx. three months to arrive in Toronto, Canada.
    • The PNCCC executive committee is consistently looking for a place to establish the temple, whether taking on rent or finding a suitable property they can buy.

    Essential areas for help and donations

    • Economic/ monetary
    • Sponsors


    अरुणा पौडेल, ६४७ ७०५ १७८१

    निलकण्ठ पौडेल, ६४७ ४७२ ७११६ 

    इमेल:  pnccc2004@gmail.com

    आर्थिक सम्पर्क:

    गणेश न्यौपाने, ६४७ ८७८ ६२१० 


    Corporate Office

    10 Lowell Ave. Scarborough, ON M1M 3M8

    Established in 2004 NPO, Ontario Corporation No.: 1592600
    Business Number 85897820